Tell me about yourself when you were 5 years old. Were you tall or short? Fat or thin? How were your families? Use the past tense to disctibe yourself with more than 20 snetences.


Two months ago, my summer vacation began. But the point was I still needed to get up by seven because I needed to go to swim. But I already learnt every style. So I just felt bored until I swam better in butterfly style.

In August, I went to Lin-Ko with my aunt to meet my elder sister. She had a smart phone. And I downloaded an App. It was called “Canons Team”. It was a popular game. And I liked it because it was fun.

I was a good vacation because I did the things I wanted and my parents wanted, too. So, this was the best vacation.




其實他只學到was were這兩個過去be動詞,但他想講的東西超過這些,媽媽必須支援他規則和不規則動詞的過去式用法。


    past tense Kevin Kevin's writing

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