
Please tell us about your school days in a week. What is your favorite lesson? What games do you like to play with your classmates? You can talk about your teachers, their looks and funny hobbies if you want to, your classmates, their jokes and tricks, your campus, your lunch time at school, and/or anything you hate. Go for 15 complete sentences to make us understand your school life better.


My School Life

     My favorite lesson is computer lesson. Because when we finish the order from the teacher, we can play the computer games. I like to play the game named “Twilight Wars”. That’s the best game to play with friends.

     Mr. Liao is our orchestra conductor. He likes to say “da da da da”, that means “bla bla bla”. And Miss Song is very special. She never gets angry at all.

     I and my classmates play a game named “Everyone! Runs!” Every time I hide in a place, and when the hunter comes, my classmates shout “Kevin is right there!” So I am always the first guy out.

     There are four buildings in my campus. And I hate the smell of all the restrooms. They stink!!!




看起來媽媽出的題目,字也不會比較少 XD




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